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스크린샷 2022-01-28 오후 5.20.02.png

Giving is part of what we do and who we are as Jesus followers.

It's a part of the way that we worship God and express our gratitude to Him!

Just as God has given to us, we love to give to others. 

Every thing we do here at Lovridge Church is only made possible by your generous giving, for which we're extremely grateful. 

There are two main ways to give at Lovridge Church.

If you prefer to give by Cash or cheque, this can be given during the offering time

in each service.

You can also give via Automatic Payment using our internet banking details below.

Giving on Sundays

You can give by cash or cheque as the bag in the church service gets passed around.

Please contact us for a giving number to enable you to claim back one third

at the end of the tax year.

Internet Banking

Lovridge Church
ANZ 06-0622-0989589-00

Make sure to include your name or giving number in the reference field

so we can identify the source of the donation and issue you an accurate tax receipt

at the end of the financial year. 

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